
Monday, December 26, 2011

Recipe: Roast Turkey, Jamie Oliver's Recipe

Almost every year, for the past maybe 5 years, my parents will order turkey from the supermarkets during Christmas. It costs about $60 and they usually give you a cold cooked whole turkey with stuffing. We then re-roast this turkey at home and eat on Christmas. My family doesn't celebrate Christmas, but we just make Christmas an excuse to indulge in turkey. To me, all these pre-cooked frozen turkeys are really horrible. They have this slight stench and they obviously do not taste fresh and juicy at all. This year, I decided to take control and roast a whole turkey myself instead of buy these crap. My dad and mum were against it. They said it was too much effort and a waste of money. My mum has done it before and she knows it takes quite a bit of effort to self-roast an uncooked turkey. And after calculations, you will realize that the money spend on the ingredients alone is more that just buying a cooked turkey.

All these did not stop me from roasting my own turkey. Being a fan of Jamie Oliver, I went to his website and looked for his turkey recipe. I went to Cold Storage to buy all the ingredients because most of the ingredients from Jamie Oliver's recipes can only be found in big Cold Storage supermarkets.

The frozen uncooked turkey that we can buy here usually takes about 3 days to defrost in the refrigerator. I followed Jamie's recipe step by step and it was very easy. Of course there are some ingredients which were out of stock, like apricots and rosemary, so I didn't add them. But other than that, my recommendation is to read the recipe over and over again and mentally understand what you are going to do so that you can plan the next steps of your preparations and cooking. If you try to follow the recipe line by line, I think you might realize that some steps should have been done earlier and some should have been done later.

Here is where I got the recipe from:

Just want to let you all know, the turkey turned out AWESOME!!! It was really really good and I have totally no regrets spending the time and money making this. It was totally worth it and I will definitely do it again anytime. My family enjoyed it very much as well. Only sad thing is that we can't get fresh turkey in Singapore.

And here is a horribly blur photo of the turkey.



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